Posturi disponibile pe pagina web la EPSO 01/10/2018 - 31/10/2030 Institutiile si agentiile europene va asteapta! Veti gasi aici locuri de munca stimulante si incitante pentru oricine. UE recruteaza candidati din toate statele membre, cu experienta educationala si profesionala cât se poate de variata. Prin urmare, veti lucra intr-un mediu eterogen si multicultural. In plus, veti avea posibilitatea sa va utilizati la maximum competentele lingvistice, deoarece majoritatea posturilor necesita cunoasterea a cel putin doua limbi oficiale ale UE. Institutiile si agentiile UE incurajeaza perfectionarea continua. De aceea, va vor oferi posibilitatea de a participa la cursuri de limbi straine si va vor ajuta sa va atingeti potentialul maxim in cariera pe care v-ati ales-o. Un avantaj care nu poate fi trecut cu vederea? Salariile atractive. Nu in ultimul rând, vă veti putea desfăsura activitatea in orase dinamice, cu o viată culturală bogată (Bruxelles, Luxemburg, Strasbourg), dar si in diferite locatii din restul Europei (in cazul agentiilor) si al lumii.
Schemei de ajutor de minimis 1575 lei/luna/salariat pentru studii medii si 2328 lei/luna/salariat pentru studii superioare, pe o perioada de minim 6 luni si maxim 12 luni. Inscriere continua, pana la epuizarea bugetului.
Stagii in cadrul Secretariatului General Candidaturile pentru stagii remunerate pe anul 2015 pot fi depuse incepand cu 02.06.2014, ora 12.00 (GMT + 01.00, ora Bruxelles-ului), pana la 01.09.2014, ora 12.00 (GMT + 01.00, ora Bruxelles-ului)
Specify an expiration date and the event will not show after that date.
Specify an Event Start Date and/or an Event End Date and this information will appear under the event title in Upcoming Events
Events will be listed in date order based on the value in Expiration Date
If you enter only an Event Start Date, such as 05/05/2012, then it will display as "Beginning 05/05/2012"
If you enter only a Event End Date, such as 07/12/2012, then it will display as "Through 07/12/2012"
If you enter the same for Start and End Date it will display only one date, "07/01/2012"
If you enter different Start and End Dates it will display as a range, "05/05/2012 - 07/12/2012"
Include either the Start or the End Date, and the "Add to Calendar" icons will appear under Events
You can direct members that RSVP 'Yes' to a link (perhaps to make a payment, give more details, etc.)
Setting the Minimum number of 'Yes' responses to "0" will force the link to all RSVP responses (not comments) to always show.
Put your image before any text, and then set the alignment of the image (inside Image Properties) to 'left' or 'right' in order to have the text wrap around the image
The width of any image you place into the Short Description should not exceed 145 pixels in width
Be sure to change font sizes before applying other formats ("bold", "italics", font color, etc.)
Adding Attachments to Events
Links to attachments (such as PDF files) can be done through the editor (Long Text). Begin by selecting an area inside the editing window where you would like the link to appear. Click the "Link" button on the toolbar. Select the "Browse Server" button to find a file you've already added to the website OR select the "Upload" tab to choose a file on your computer. Finally, go back to the "Link Info" tab and enter the text you want to be the clickable link in the "Display Text" field. You may also want to change the target to "New Window" in the "Target" tab so the link opens your file into a new browser tab.
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